

Managing a wide range of products and services while being faithful to the principles of our mission would not be possible without the incorporation of a demanding quality management system whose focus is on improving our actions, aimed at meeting your real needs.

For this reason, since in 1996 we obtained the first certification of the ISO 9002 Quality Management System, our interest in improving led us to obtain the ISO 9001 certification and the ISO 14.001 certification in 2001, in 2002 the Management System award. of Quality, based on the EFQM model, in 2010 the ISO 9001-2008 certification and in 2017 the ISO 9001-2015 certification adapted to the current needs of the company, its environment and continuous improvement.

This vocation for excellence has allowed us to fulfill over the years our purpose of being next to you to design and manufacture better products.


Its main objective is to achieve the trust of our customers in the products and services of our specialty, as well as the achievement of the business objectives proposed in our philosophy.

Said objectives include the obligation to comply with the current legislative framework and the promotion of positive, enriching and ethical relationships with all parts of our environment; customers, shareholders, collaborators, suppliers and society in general.

Sello Ecovadis

ISO 9001 - AENOR Empresa registrada - Epidor TD

IQNET - The International Certification Network - Epidor